Cosmetic Blemish Procedures Pre & Post Care

After care for fibrous and vascular skin blemishes such as red veins, blood spots, skin tags and whiteheads.

You must be in good health for your body to heal completely, stress, lack of sleep, smoking and medications can interfere with the body’s natural healing time.

Appearance of the skin post treatment

Immediately after treatment the treated lesion can be red or white, and swollen. This is the body’s natural healing response, tissue fluids collect the area to aid healing, this last from 30 minutes up to 48 hours. Healing crusts will form in the area from 48 hours - 2 days later and will take up to 2 weeks to fall away depending on clients individual healing rate. Please note that Fitzpatrick skin type 3, 4 & 5 can/may result in some darkening and pigmentation of the skin.

Aftercare (allow 3-5 days for healing)

To ensure complete skin healing, you must adhere to the following aftercare recommendations

  • Keep the area dry to promote scab formation.
  • Do not wash with soap, cleanser or exfoliate for 24 hours
  • Do not touch, pick, scratch or rub the area (pat dry with a towel).
  • Small crusts may appear this is part of normal healing process, do not pick crusts, let crusts fall off naturally. If crusts are removed prematurely, it may cause infection or scarring.
  • Apply aloe vera gel am | pm to area, before moisturiser or make up, let dry to form a protective film.
  • Once lesion is hardened & dry, can apply makeup with a sponge or clean hands.
  • If the veins on sides of nose were treated avoid blowing nose vigorously for several days
  • Please be aware skin lesions removed from delicate, secluded places, i.e. underarms (no deodorant 24 hours) or groin, are more susceptible to infection

Aftercare (48 hours - 7 days post treatment)

  • Avoid strenuous exercise as this would overstimulate the localised area, slowing the healing process.
  • Avoid swimming in chlorinated or salt water
  • Do not sunbathe, used a sun bed, will cause increased pigmentation of the skin, forming brown pigment spots. In sun use a total sun block for a minimum of 4 weeks post treatment.
  • Avoid any form of heat treatment e.g saunas, steam baths, infrared etc.
  • Avoid flying, the pressure in the cabin may affect healing.
  • Drink 1½-2 litres of water a day, when drinking alcohol always drink plenty of water, preventing further capillary dilation and dehydration.
  • If you any concerns or if required any further clarification, call 028 9074 2659.

Pre-Treatment Advice

  • Do not book your treatment if you have any special occasion pending, some lesions take up to 3-4 weeks healing.
  • Do not take aspirin or anticoagulants medicine that thins the blood, beforehand, take after the treatment. This type of medication is a contraindication to these treatments. Note: If you have been prescribed this type of medication please consult you GP.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 48 hours before treatment
  • Do not consume any alcohol, spicy foods, tea, coffee, chocolate or tobacco before your treatment, as they are blood stimulants.

General Prevention of Red Veins

  • Start a skin care regime to protect the skin from future skin damage and promote healthy skin.
  • Apply a SPF15 to your face & chest daily, all year round
  • Do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol, spicy foods, tea, coffee, chocolate or tobacco.
  • Do not sunbathe or use sunbeds

@copyright 2025 GMG Beauty Skin & Electrolysis Clinic