Cosmetic Blemish Removal
Advanced Blemish Removal or non-surgical blemish removal is a non-invasive method for treating various skin blemishes, conditions, & growths using a technique called Advanced Thermolysis.
The demand for these procedures is very high especially now as the medical profession is not only too busy but also very reluctant to do anything about benign lesions. They are seen purely as a cosmetic problem regardless of the psychological effect on the person having the unsightly marks, lumps, and bumps on their skin.
Many skin blemishes can be effectively and safely removed by Advanced Thermolysis, such as, red veins, skin tags, blood spots, milia, seborrheic keratosis, common warts, sebaceous hyperplasia and dermatosis papulose nigra.
At GMG Beauty we work with the 'Angie', Perfect Skin. The Angie offers specific programs using Thermocoagulation, ultrarapid radio frequency to coagulate superficial skin imperfections, to minimise the appearance or remove completely without the need for surgery and very little recovery time.
The precision technique of the Angie is gentle and yields rapid blemish free results. The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but easily tolerated, there are minimal after-effects, with a little tightness and scabbing to be expected.